About me

Hello, I am "The Pterodon", "Pedodactyl", or simply "Nick". I enjoy making mazes, for my own and others enjoyment. I enjoy reading, music, gaming, and amongst other things. I do run a minecraft server in my free time (, and am in the percussion section in band, to which I play the Bass Drum. I enjoy books in the series Drizzt Do'Urden, under the Forgotten Realms, and listen to a lot of viking, pirate, folk, pagan, and celtic metal. I also like listening to various sub-genres of rock and metal; I do enjoy some techno/dubstep/glitchstep, by the artist Savant and a few others.I make most of my mazes in class at school, although I have made quite a few at home too. If you like my mazes, or want to chat about my interests; email me, message me, comment on the site, whatever, feel free to do so.

Also, I hate to do this, but you never know; If you like my stuff why not
to fund my server and antics as a maze-enthusiast?

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